Thursday, November 28, 2019
Flowering Judas By Porter Essays - Psychotherapy, Dream, Symbols
Flowering Judas By Porter There are many theories on the significance of dreams and there is no definitive encyclopedia on their meanings. The ability to have one dream that is so bizarre and fantasy like and the next seem so real that it is hard to tell if it really happened or not, is quite amazing. One theory is that dreams reflect not only daily events and stresses, but also deep hidden fears and desires. It is the way the psyche copes and releases intense emotions, especially the ones most deeply repressed and denied. Katherine Anne Porter relates this phenomenon superbly in "Flowering Judas." Her complicated writing style mimics the way the main character, Laura, utilizes daily defense mechanisms to avoid having any personal connection with anybody, including herself Porter clearly feels that this type of severe emotional suppression is unhealthy and detrimental to ones emotional state. It only furthers alienation from society, the opposite sex and self, all of which go against the nature of humans being social and emotional creatures. This unhealthy psychological repression must have some outlet, which comes inevitably in the enigmatic dream sequence. Porter shows that practicing self-detachment leads to insecurity and lack of purpose outside of maintaining this position. The constant struggle to suppress internal rage and personal opinions is away to maintain safety. The exposure of real feelings makes one vulnerable and because of this Laura keeps everything inside. She subconsciously dresses in heavy nun-like clothes to help hide and keep contained her real feelings and opinions. She also has a pervading sense of danger and disaster on a daily basis and no sense of direction in her life. The suffocation of feelings is so complete that she has no idea of what exactly she is feeling or why she is there. The only comfort she has is her ability to maintain her walls and feel safe. Her comfort is in knowing she is safe because her inner thoughts and feelings are unexposed. Porter demonstrates that the severity of the preoccupation to avoid societal attachments is a very lonely and difficult path that only adds to further internal turmoil. The desire to remain emotionally isolated while having a very active role in the community is extremely contradictory, especially in the tumultuous surroundings the character chooses to live. She is a teacher, a political contact to many people and makes daily visits to political prisoners. Yet, she feels uncomfortable in the world around her, like a warped puzzle piece. There is no personal attachment or even commradery with who she is in contact, not on her part anyway. There is no talk of home or family and she has no desire to go anywhere else. She wants to remain isolated in her daily encounters with society because it is the only familiarity that she has with life, her loneliness and separateness among the masses. This allows her to continue fortifying her internal walls and defenses and this is how she is accustomed to maintaining her safety in isolation. Porter reveals that the supreme denial of the opposite sex strongly goes against natural human instincts and leads to much deep-rooted turmoil and alienation. This driving force behind Laura's desire to be alone stems from her primary instinct to avoid any type of personal contact with men physically or mentally. The thought of being on the same mental meeting ground with a man, let alone having any sort of physical contact causes her severe mental distress and physical pain. A torturous death is more appealing then to allow this type of connection to occur. Even though she feels this way, she subjects herself to male company more than to any other type. The dutiful pleasantness outwardly presented to male company is a complete contradiction with the internal struggle to contain intense rage and fear of men. The male issues are exposed in the dream when for the first time Laura's true emotions are revealed and a satiating experience is had between her and a symbolic male. This dream, of course, is a nightmare for her. She wakes screaming and does not want to go back to sleep for fear that all she strives to maintain in her stance against men will dissipate in the dream state, which she cannot control. In dreams there is freedom from daily restraints. Emotions are able to flow free and are a key to dealing with personal issues. "Flowering Judas" shows that severely psychologically repressed people are able to release their hidden emotions in dreams but once awake, they remember the
Sunday, November 24, 2019
media violence and its effects on children essays
media violence and its effects on children essays Communications technology is expanding through the entire global community (Dyson 2). Children everywhere are being born into a world of images and messages, which are largely separated from their home, school and spiritual lives (Dyson 2). In society today storytellers are seldom parents, grandparents, teachers or the clergy; instead they are the handful of distant forces with something to sell (Dyson 2). What is unique about the media industry is that in global and corporate domination they have become part of our culture as well as our identity (Dyson 3). Social scientists and child advocates have been exploring the effects of media for decades, yet it is only recently that the concern has generated a public debate (Bok 3). Disagreements concerning the effect of violence revealed in works of art and entertainment have resonated over the centuries (Bok 41). We must ask ourselves whether or not our versions of entertainment exhibits anymore violence then past forms of recreation, for example gladiatorial games or public hangings (Bok 23). Plato viewed human life as a pilgrimage from the appearance to reality (Bok 41). He also believed that a piece of art had to be strictly censored when they depicted any form of evil and cruelty (Bok 41). When an artist imitated what was bad, they add to the sum of badness in the world (Bok 41). Both Plato and Aristotle pointed out, we as humans do find delight in representations of objects and emotions that would consider different from real life; most of us agree with Aristotle in refusing to believe that they are corrupt (Bok 41). The Romans remain the prototype for violent entertainment at its most extreme (Bok 17). It was a culture, which sanctioned tradition, foreign conquest was a domestic culture, and weapons were easily available (Bok 17). The treatment of newborns and slaves within the home extended to crucifixions and other brutal punishments (Bok 17). Though on a ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Negotiations and strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Negotiations and strategy - Essay Example Due to this increase, News Corporation is currently liquid with an estimated cash flow of approximately $2.4 billion. Analysts believe that the cash flow of operations will increase to $3 billion within the next 2 years. This cash flow allows News Corporation to have greater flexibility to invest in capital-oriented projects as well as to prepare for the upcoming challenges it might face. On the downside, News Corporation has a large outstanding debt amounting to $11 billion. It is speculated that inflation of interest rates would increase its debt and cause a negative impact on its operating income. However, history tells us that the company was able to survive the largest bankruptcy restructuring in history when it suffered major setbacks in the 1990s. Not only did it survived the restructuring, it also bounced back to generate a 315% increase in its net profits in the mid-90s. 4. Under the license permit, the creative team of the Neighborhood obtains the total freedom of all necessary decisions included but not limited to the cast selection, crewmembers, cutting and editing. At this point in the negotiation, we would like to discuss further the creative issues involving the format of the show. We feel uncomfortable with Fox Entertainmentââ¬â¢s proposal to change the format of the show to suit their Fox Sports Network programming. The fact that the is no clear showing that the focus on the lives of purely high school athletes in the inner city might prove to be quite limiting on our part. Furthermore, there are no current bases that will give us some ideas of whether or not such change would prove to be profitable. The current format of the neighborhood is analogues to the plot of Laguna Beach: The Real orange County, which is gathering huge following at the moment. To recall, Laguna Beach revolves around the lives of upper class
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why Business Law is significant and how it impacts our lives Essay
Why Business Law is significant and how it impacts our lives - Essay Example Laws are mainly formulated by the governments and also as a result of court decisions. That is, when a particular form of human activity is carried out by a group of people, there will be inconsistencies as well as violations, which could negatively affect the group themselves as well as other stakeholders including other groups or individuals. To prevent those issues, governments has come up with certain standard rules and regulations in the form of laws on how to carry out the human activity positively without negative impacts on the people. This is quite applicable to the key human activity of businesses because its survival and success mainly depends on how it treats or manages or entices its consumer. So, business laws relating to consumer care are the main laws, which maximally impact our lives. Each business law will stipulate the organizations on how to manufacture the products, on how to pack it, on how to market it or sell it, etc, etc. Although, each organization will have unique and different manufacturing processes, the basic point, is they need to follow certain laws as well as standards stipulated by the laws to ensure that the manufactured goods or offered service is of optimum quality and without any risks to the consumer. However, if there are any faults in the product or service after it reaches the consumer, due to faults or deficiency in any aspect of the organizational functioning, then also those business laws can be used by the affected consumer in the court of law. The laws can be used to get a simple apology to getting apt replacement for the deficient product or even financial compensation. Thus, it is clear that business laws maximally impacts our lives in a positive and helpful manner. Actually, the governments and other authorities will come up with laws including business laws based on common good, and it will be available to us all the time.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
What is a good tax Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
What is a good tax - Essay Example The people in the state do not see the need as to why the government should reduce its expenditure but expenditure should be sufficient to meet the needs of the people. Most of the former politicians in Illinois State have faced significant challenges in their effort to come up with a good tax. One of the former Governors of the state by the name Scott Walker worked hard to cut the rights of the public employees to participate in collective bargaining. Deputy Director of the local council of the American Federation State said that the governor had an obsession of destroying the unions belonging to the public employees. The same director said that Mr. Rauner was trying to stir up the bitterness of the public employees who include teachers, firefighters, and police officers. The unions in Illinois State are always against a leader who tries to change the tax system of the state. Mr. Rauner may have a good idea of increasing the tax income of the state and improve economy of the state in the end. Most unions do not understand that when the economy is stable, having low unemployment rates will increase the tax income and government expenditure too. There is need for the citizens in the state to give the politicians independence to come up with a good tax system that will benefit both the employed and unemployed. A good tax is one that will enable the unemployed to venture into small-scale businesses and earn a living out of it. Davy portrays a good tax as one that is sufficient enough to avoid cutting of the benefits of the retirees because they have saved enough to rely on and survive on during their retirement period. However, Mr. Rauner said that the only problem he had was with the union leaders in the public sector who donated to political leaders. He claims that the government union has power to influence politicians in contracts negotiations about pensions, scales of payments,
Friday, November 15, 2019
Youth Culture In A Young Adults Life
Youth Culture In A Young Adults Life Topic:Youth culture is a very big part of a young adults life. The way young adults dress, what they listen to, what they eat and what they do in their free time show how their youth culture has influenced them. It is often said that mass media plays an important role in shaping youth culture. It is also the main cause of moral decay in youths. Discuss. Thesis statement: Although the Internet may influence the youths to develop violent behavior, its benefits outweigh its disadvantages Mass media plays an important role in shaping the youth culture. As we all know that in the current modern society, internet, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and other mass media has became the inseparable elements of the teenagers life. Internet has become one of the most indispensable components of the youth generation. It provides a powerful platform for the youth to know about the world. However, the mass amount of information that it distributes may be both positive and negative to the youths. Teen who stared at group slashed to death. A very shocking headline appeared on Strait Times. (Tue, Nov 02, 2010, pg1) Violent behavior has already become the most notorious factor that contributes to the moral decay in youths nowadays. Violent behaviour is defined as any behaviour that causes another person any injury to the body that interferes with a persons health or comfort, or that places them in fear of being injured. (Victoria Legal Aid [VLA], 2009) Although the Internet m ay influence the youths to develop violent behavior, its benefits still outweigh its disadvantages. In this essay, I will discuss about what are the other factors leading to the violent behavior in youths and how internet benefits the youth. Internet has widened the youths channels of absorbing information and knowledge, but it includes those decadent and reactionary garbage information which may eventually cause the youth to get moral deviation. Website such as YouTube, a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos, allows youth to contact with violent videos easily. (Hopkins, Jim October 11, 2006) While sanguinary and violent online video game also plays a significant role in influencing the youths to develop violent behavior. Counter Strike is one of the so-called killer game where the gamer plays through the eyes of a heavily armed character and kills as many enemies as possible. The violent behavior in the game like using a knife to stab the head of an enemy can be learned by youths and in extreme cases, to kill. The overflow of information of violence has intensified the juvenile crime situation, causing variations in crime types, methods and results. In the 1980s, juvenile crime general ly involves theft, fighting, stir-up-trouble crime and etc. In the 21st century, juvenile crime progresses to banded robbery, major theft even disengaged murder, armed robbery, revenge fire-tight etc. The research shows that serious crimes criminal offence has been markedly worsen. Indeed, the huge amount of information involves violence distribute by the internet plays a part in misleading the youths to develop violent behavior. However, there are still other factors contribute to the youths moral decay. We can conclude another two main factors that lead to develop violent behavior in youths in the current society. They are the domestic violence and the peer pressure. First of all, what we learn when we are young usually come from our parents, this is also why parents are their childrens first teacher. Therefore, domestic violence is undoubtedly the number one factor which cause the youths to develop violent behavior. Domestic violence is defined as violence between intimate living together or who have previously cohabited. (Eve S. Buzawa Carl G. Buzawa, 2003) The domestic violence here is mainly referring to physical abuse. Youths are highly vulnerable to fear, anxiety and pessimism if they have been seeing family abuse or even experiencing physical abuse from their parents since they were young. Children may suffer from self-abased or even get isolated from his peers and affect their academic results and daily life. If the situation becomes severe, they may be at a greater risk of runaway or committing criminal acts. Youths will get the wrong message that its okay to abuse other people or let other people hurt them. Research by Browne and Angel a (1987) supports a third of all children who see their mothers beaten develop emotional problems, boys who see their fathers beat their mothers are ten times more likely to be abusive in their adult intimate relationships. Boys who witness family violence are more likely to batter their female partners as adults, and girls who witness their mothers abuse have a higher rate of being battered as adults. These common sense observations are fact, not myth. (Ewing Charles Patrick, 1987) It is undeniable that domestic violence is the major factor which has caused the youths to develop violent behavior. Another one of the biggest factors that lead to teenage violence behavior will be the peer pressure. Peer pressure may be especially strong during adolescence. (Kate Havelin, 2000) The teenagers unstable mentality is being a time which may easily be influenced by their peers. For example, you might decide to buy a same brand of bag that your friends have. These kinds of behavior are usually harmless, but also can lead you to make dangerous decision. For example, one of your friends might persuade you to join his gang after you had been bullied by someone else and he told you that gang can help you revenge. Matt Monteverde (2008) stated that youths cannot resist the temptation of peer pressure. Many youths who experienced violence from their peers often worry that they may get more serious revenge if they inform the teacher or parents about the violence. We should deal with violence among youths thoroughly, or else wrong message will be given to the youths that violence can be accepte d. Peer pressure can cause the victim to gradually believe that I should be the victim of violence and submit to humiliation. Eventually, peer pressure would worsen the situation of violence among the youths and severity of upgrades. Despite of being one of the factors that contributes to the development of violence in youths, internets benefits still far beyond its disadvantage. Research had done by the Miniwatts Marketing Group on the number of internet user on a single day throughout the world. The estimated internet users are 1,966,514,816 on June 31, 2010 compare to 360,985,492 on Dec 31, 2000. The result shows the popularity of internet has been increased tremendously throughout the last decade. Not only because of internets convenience and extreme speed, but also its huge amount of information. Now we can simply classify the internets benefits into three main categories: research, communication and entertainment. Firstly, youths are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. Nowadays, it is not necessary for the youth to do their research in the library as the information provided by the internet is far much more than what a book or newspaper can provide. It is almost a must for youths today to use the internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers are encouraging their students to do research online as we can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that we are looking for. Moreover, with the help of search engines like Google or Yahoo, we can get access to the information that we are looking for within just a few seconds without stepping out of the house. The efficiency and the quantity of information that internet can provide has indeed made it a virtual treasure trove of information. Communication is the most popular use of the Internet, with email topping the list of all the technologies used. (Ernest Ackermann Karen Hartman, 2000) By the advent of internet, communication among people is not only confined to telephones and letters anymore. Emails have taken over the position of letters and become the number one communication tool among human beings. Software such as MSN allows us to chat online for hours with our beloved ones and we can even keep up to date with a friend who is sitting in the other part of the world just within a fraction of second. Today, we can even see each other by using web-cam for a better communication. Internet allows us to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts, explore other cultures of different ethnicity. Again, internet has brought people an enormous convenience on communication. Lastly, it is none other than the entertainment that internet has bring to us. Nowadays, downloading videos and music from the internet become very common among the youths. Internet has provided the platform for millions of people all over the world to exchange information and resources sharing. We can upload pictures and videos to share with overseas friends. We do not need to wait for TV series every night anymore, we can just simply surf the internet and all the series will be there for us to watch. Apart from all these, the most popular entertainment that internet has provided is internet gaming. Online game can definitely help the youths to relieve pressures on academic studies and troubles. Dawn Smith stated (2010) Internet games can help children focus. Youths who have Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD, can actually sit for longer periods of time to play some of their favorite games. Not only does this help them keep focus, it also teaches them patience. It allows those youth s who once cannot sit for a long period of time to sit longer periods as the game can engage the youths and keep their attention. According to Steven Johnson, social critic and author of Everything Bad Is Good For You, it also engages a childs decision making process, requiring children to think on their feet. Indeed internet is a double-edged sword, just like water can float a boat, so can it swallow the ship. However, internet itself is not in wrong, the benefits it had brought to us is very obvious. The problem now is lies on how are we going to use and control it. Therefore, the ability of self-control is very important for the youths and helping the youths to develop a healthy lifestyle should be our number one objective instead of blaming Internet for been the cause of developing violent behavior in youths. While the domestic violence and peer pressures are the major cause of violence in youths today. Internets benefits outweigh its disadvantages and it has truly become mans best tool in the 21st century.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Free Essays - Tuesdays With Morrie :: Tuesdays With Morrie Essays
When my parents first told me that it would be a good idea for me to read Tuesdays With Morrie, my perception of the memoir was that it was an account of an old man dying.à This did not seem, to me, to be the most interesting topic to read about.à I reluctantly began the book and soon became quite involved with the novelââ¬â¢s insightful progression.à I initially thought I would construct a typical review of the novel and hand it in for a good grade.à I then asked myself if I would learn anything by writing a summary.à Two answers became evident.à The first was that, of course, I would learn how to write yet another book report.à The second was that I would not benefit at all from simply summarizing the memoir.à I came to the conclusion that by focusing my paper on that which Morrie so eloquently taught the reader, both me and my teacher would gain insight and understanding about living life to itââ¬â¢s fullest. à Morrieââ¬â¢s message was, in short, not to become preoccupied with death and dying, but to live the life that you still have left in a meaningful and rewarding way.à He believed that although death would soon take him, he wanted to teach others and share his ideas so that they could be passed on to future generations.à à Mitch Albom is an alumnus of Brandeis University, where Morrie Schwartz taught for many years.à Morrie left a lasting impression on Mitch and that impression is what eventually motivated Mitch to return to his wise professor.à Mitch rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older manââ¬â¢s life.à Knowing he was dying, Morrie visited with Mitch every Tuesday in his study, just as they had done in college days.à Morrie taught Mitch his final lesson: how to live. à Morrie and Mitchââ¬â¢s relationship went far beyond that of a teacher and student.à It turned into a friendship between two men.à Morrie taught Mitch innumerable lessons about the world, feeling sorry for oneself, regrets, death, family, emotions, fear of aging, money, how love goes on, marriage, culture, forgiveness, and saying good-bye.à Morrie never wanted sympathy from Mitch; only an open mind and heart.à Morrie discussed his philosophies on life with Mitch and encouraged him to do the same.à Morrie shared his strengths and his weaknesses with his student, allowing him to open up to his old professor in a way that would help him to recharge his existing life.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Chapter Discussion Questions Essay
1. Discuss the reasons that companies embark on cross-border strategic alliances. What other motivations may prompt such alliances? The text notes five motives for cross border alliances: 1) to avoid import barriers, licensing requirements and other protectionist legislation; 2) to share the costs and risks of the research and development of new products and processes; 3) to gain access to specific markets; 4) to reduce political risk while making inroads into a new market; and, 5) to gain rapid entry into a new or consolidating industry, and to take advantage of synergies. Each firm is faced with its own environmental conditions and this may prompt a strategic alliance for other reasons. The GM-Toyota strategic alliance resulting in NUMMI was motivated in part by the desire of each firm to learn. GM wanted to learn about the Toyota production process, and Toyota wanted to learn about American labor relations. The content notes five thought processes in cross fringe collusions: 1) to evade import hindrances, authorizing necessities and other protectionist enactment; 2) to impart the expenses and dangers of the innovative work of new items and courses of action; 3) to get access to particular markets; 4) to diminish political danger while making advances into another business; and, 5) to addition quick section into another or uniting industry, and to exploit collaborations. Each one firm is confronted with its own ecological conditions and this may incite a key organization together for different reasons. The GM-Toyota key cooperation bringing about NUMMI was roused to some extent by the craving of each one firm to learn. GM needed to look into the Toyota creation methodology, and Toyota needed to research American work relations. 2. Why are there an increasing number of mergers with companies in different industries? Give some examples. What industry do you think will be the next for global consolidation? There are a variety of reasons. In some cases, companies in different industries still can share resources in ways that create operating synergies. In other cases, companies can capitalize on the intangible resources of its new partnerââ¬âresources like brand names and proprietary processes. Sometimes cross border mergers and acquisitions accompany the deregulation of industry, as it did in telecoms. If so, a likely candidate will be insurance, financial services and banking, all of which are undergoing substantial deregulation in world markets. There is an assortment of reasons. Sometimes, organizations in diverse businesses still can impart assets in ways that make working collaborations. In different cases, organizations can gain by the immaterial assets of its new accomplice assets like brand names and restrictive courses of action. Some of the time cross fringe mergers and acquisitions go hand in hand with the deregulation of industry, as it did in telecoms. Assuming this is the case, a possible hopeful will be protection, monetary administrations and managing an account, all of which are experiencing considerable deregulation in world markets. 3. Discuss the problems inherent in developing a cooperative alliance in order to enhance competitive advantage while incurring the risk of developing a new competitor. Technology transfer is inevitable in alliance relationship. An alliance partner can quickly learn all it needs to know about a new technology from its partner. Once that happens, it no longer needs its partner in order to conduct business. In essence, the first of the partners to fully learn the otherââ¬â¢s technology or business practices obsoletes the venture. The text calls this the ââ¬Å"race to learn.â⬠In order to reduce this risk, firms sometimes ââ¬Å"rope-offâ⬠certain sensitive areas from their partners. A strategic alliance is a difficult concept in some ways ââ¬â cooperating with a competitor ââ¬â and this may requires particular action to avoid strengthening the position of the competitor. In the end of chapter case on Lenovo, IBM will need to make sure that the association they maintain with this Chinese company does not compromise proprietary knowledge which is IBMââ¬â¢s competitive advantage. Innovation move is certain in partnership relationship. A cooperation accomplice can rapidly realize everything it needs to think around engineering from its accomplice. When that happens, it probably wonââ¬â¢t needs its accomplice so as to direct business. Generally, the first of the accomplices to completely take in the otherââ¬â¢s innovation or business hones obsoletes the wander. The content calls this the ââ¬Å"race to learn.â⬠so as to lessen this danger; firms now and then ââ¬Å"rope-offâ⬠certain touchy regions from their accomplices. A vital partnership is a troublesome idea in a few ways ââ¬â collaborating with a contender ââ¬â and this may obliges specificà activity to abstain from reinforcing the position of the contender. Toward the end of part case on Lenovo, IBM will need to verify that the affiliation they keep up with this Chinese organization does not bargain restrictive information which is IBMââ¬â¢s preferred 4. What are the common sources of incompatibility in cross-border alliances? What can be done in order to minimize them? Differences in culture can cause differences in objectives, leadership style, strategy, governance, control and compensation among other issues. There can also be regulatory differences in the host country that preclude operating the business in the traditional style. Minimizing these difficult areas requires attention paid up front to the problem areas. If the problems are anticipated, it is more likely that they can be resolved in an easier and less costly fashion. Difference in culture can result in contrasts in destinations, authority style, system, administration, control and payment in addition to different issues. There can likewise be administrative contrasts in the host nation that block working the business in the conventional style. Minimizing these troublesome zones obliges consideration paid in advance to the issue regions. On the off chance that the issues are foreseen, it is more probable that they can be determined in a less demanding and less exorbitant style. 5. Explain what is necessary for companies to successfully implement a global sourcing strategy. Global sourcing isnââ¬â¢t just about finding lower paid workers. In order to fully benefit from a global sourcing strategy a firm must seek to develop into ââ¬Å"transformational outsourcingâ⬠in which motives for sourcing are examined and acted on. Some recommendations include: examining your reasons for outsourcing, evaluating the best sourcing model, gaining the coop eration of your management staff, consulting with alliance partners, and investing in the alliance. Worldwide sourcing isnââ¬â¢t pretty much discovering lower paid laborers. To completely profit from a worldwide sourcing method a firm must look to form into ââ¬Å"transformational outsourcingâ⬠in which thought processes in sourcing are analyzed and followed up on. A few proposals include: inspecting your purposes behind outsourcing, assessing the best sourcing model, picking up the collaboration of your administration staff, counseling with organizationà together accomplices, and putting resources into the union. 6. Discuss the political and economic situation in the Russia Federation with your class. What has changed since this writing? What are the implications for foreign companies to start a joint venture there now? This area is still struggling to establish a modern market economy and achieve strong economic growth. The economic picture in 2007 is much brighter with a surging trade surplus fueled by rising world oil prices. The arrest of the Yukos CEO and the political strong-arm tactics of Mr. Putin however, have caused many MNCs to remain cautious. It appears that Russia is feeling the power that its energy resources have given her and is once again threatening parts of the world. The current political and economic climate of Russia makes foreign investment not too desirable, with the possible exception of the energy sector. This area is even now attempting to create a present day market economy and attain to solid monetary development. The financial picture in 2007 is much brighter with a surging exchange surplus powered by climbing world oil costs. The capture of the Yukos CEO and the political solid arm strategies of Mr. Putin in any case, have brought on numerous MNCs to stay mindful. It gives the idea that Russia is feeling the power that its vitality assets have provided for her and is by and by debilitating parts of the world. The current political and monetary atmosphere of Russia makes outside speculation not very alluring, with the conceivable exemption of the vitality division. 7. What is involved in strategic implementation? What is meant by ââ¬Å"creating a system of fitsââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ with the strategic plan? In order for a strategy to work effectively, there must be a good fit between the companyââ¬â¢s structure, systems, and operating processes. This process becomes more complex in an international setting precisely because the fit factors are subject to more cultural and environmental diversity. Further, the cross-cultural communication process discussed in the previous chapters indicates that the feedback needed for strategic adjustments will be more difficult to comprehend. Strategic control procedures, which constitute a continuous process, provide feedback to enable managers to reevaluate strategy so that the company can update and recycle its plans accordingly. In place for a methodology to work adequately, there must be a decent fit between the organizationââ¬â¢s structure, frameworks, and working techniques. This methodology gets to be more intricate in an universal setting definitely on the grounds that the fit elements are liable to more social and ecological differences. Further, the diverse correspondence methodology talked about in the past parts shows that the criticism required for key modification will be more hard to appreciate. Vital control methods, which constitute a persistent procedure, give input to empower directors to reconsider methodology with the goal that the organization can redesign and reuse its plans in like manner. 8. Explain how the host government may affect strategic implementationââ¬âin an alliance or another form of entry strategy. There are many areas of influence by host governments on the strategic choice and implementation of foreign firms. The profitability of those firms is greatly influenced, for example, by the level of taxation in the host country and by any restrictions on profit repatriation. Also important influences are government policies on ownership by foreign firms, on labor union rules, on hiring and remuneration practices, on patent and copyright protection. Further, unpredictable changes in governmental regulations can increase the risk of failure in a venture. There are numerous zones of impact by host governments on the key decision and usage of remote firms. The productivity of those organizations is significantly impacted, for instance, by the level of levy in the host nation and by any confinements on benefit repatriation. Additionally critical impacts are government arrangements on proprietorship by remote firms, on workerââ¬â¢s guild standards, on enlisting and compensation hones, on patent and copyright insurance. Further, unusual changes in administrative regulations can expand the danger of disappointment in a wander. 9. How might the variable of national culture affect strategic implementation? Use the Mittal Steel example to highlight some of these factors. National culture influences everything, including strategy implementation. As we have learned from the work of Hofstede and others, management theory and practices do not always travel well across national cultures. Strategy implementation involves managerial practices and human relations. Differentà approaches to ââ¬Å"people managementâ⬠are needed in different cultures. In the case of Mittal Steel, the issue involved the cultural norms of a particular ethnic group in which the preference was to maintain family ownership of businesses. This concept ran counter to global expansion and the founder, Mr. Mittal decided to attempt to break with these cultural values. National society impacts everything, including technique usage. As we have gained from the work of Hofstede and others, administration hypothesis and practices donââ¬â¢t generally traverse national societies. System execution includes managerial practices and human relations. Diverse methodologies to ââ¬Å"individualââ¬â¢s administrationâ⬠are required in distinctive societies. On account of Mittal Steel, the issue included the social standards of a specific ethnic gathering in which the inclination was to keep up family responsibility for. This idea ran counter to worldwide extension and the originator, Mr. Mittal chose to endeavor to break with these social qualities. National society impacts everything, including methodology usage. As we have gained from the work of Hofstede and others, administration hypothesis and practices donââ¬â¢t generally traverse national societies. System usage includes managerial practices and human relations. Diverse methodologies to ââ¬Å"individuals administrationâ⬠are required in distinctive societies. On account of Mittal Steel, the issue included the social standards of a specific ethnic gathering in which the inclination was to keep up family responsibility for. This idea ran counter to worldwide extension and the author, Mr. Mittal chose to endeavor to break with these social qualities. 10. Discuss the importance of knowledge management in IVJs and what can be done to enhance effectiveness of that process. Knowledge management in international joint ventures is critical, especially as we enter a more knowledge-based global economy. The alliance allows for the transfer of knowledge in order to make both firms in the partnership stronger. In order to capitalize on this benefit it is important to overcome cultural differences that may arise. There are essentially three processesà which occur in knowledge management of IVJs: transfer, transformation, and harvesting. Successful firms in this area have the personal involvement of the major principles of the parent company and encourage joint learning and sharing. Reference: Adapted from ââ¬Å"International Management: Managing Across Borders and Culturesâ⬠by Helen Deresky
Friday, November 8, 2019
Exercise and Aerobic Essays
Exercise and Aerobic Essays Exercise and Aerobic Essay Exercise and Aerobic Essay Fitness testing was conducted in class which tested our aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity and our agility. I found through the results of my testing that my aerobic capacity is low. Considering that touch football requires a strong aerobic capacity as a base this component is an important aspect of my game which needs to be improved. ââ¬Å"The warm-up and cool-down are very important parts of a physical training session, and stretching exercises should be a major part of both. Before beginning any vigorous physical activity, one should prepare the body for exercise. The warm-up increases the flow of blood to the muscles and tendons, thus helping reduce the risk of injury. It also increases the joints range of motion and positively affects the speed of muscular contractionâ⬠(Survival HQ 2008). The warm-up outlined in the training programme has been designed to ensure all of the components stated above are used in a manner which is specific to touch. The warm up includes dump and splits, leg swings, and dynamic stretches. Michael J. Alter states that ââ¬Å"Joint Rotation should occur before any form of aerobic exercise or stretching takes placeâ⬠. Mobilising the ankles, knees, and hips are all key to ensuring a positive warm-up. These joint rotations are performed before a light jog to increase blood flow to the muscles. This jog should continue for no more than 100m to keep relativity to touch football. Dynamic stretching puts muscles groups and joints through their ranges of motion. Dynamic Stretching should only be performed after blood flow has been increased to muscle groups but before strenuous exercises are performed. The dump and splits are performed to keep the warm up specific to training touch and to increase the heart rate, blood flow, and oxygen intake in preparation for the conditioning phases of the training session. Fartlek Training is a training method which can train aerobic capacities and anaerobic capacities depending on intensities and work/rest ratios. Conditioning session one involves a Fartlek session. Fartlek training involves the use of anaerobic and aerobic systems and therefore according to Charles Sturt University ââ¬Å"This form of aerobic conditioning (fartlek) suits many sports where there are frequent changes in the predominant energy systemâ⬠. This is especially suitable to touch because as stated in the introduction ââ¬Å"Touch is an intermittent game which consists of brief maximal effortsâ⬠. I did this exercise to improve my aerobic capacity while conditioning my body for touch at the same time. In a typical game of touch you sprint for a very small period of time and the rest of the time you are recovering whilst jogging. If an athlete has a high aerobic capacity recovery between sprints is much faster, this is why training this system is a positive aspect. The work rest ratios are extremely similar between fartlek and touch football making Fartlek training an ideal exercise to perform when training for touch. It is specific to the sport and the energy system. In conditioning phase 2 I used short interval training. Interval training was utilised as it is an exercise which can be used to increase my aerobic capacity and lactate threshold. Interval training can be used train to all of the energy systems however this conditioning phase utilises an aerobic capacity specific aspect of it. According to Amezdroz ââ¬Å"It is also possible to make interval training highly specific to a particular energy system or sport, as well as adhere to the overload principle by manipulating the key variables involved in interval trainingâ⬠. The key factors specified are work intervals, recovery intervals, sets and repetitions. The short interval training utilised in my training session consisted of 70% intensity 60m runs and 30% intensity 10m jogs. 55 of these with a 30 second break in between sets means that the amount of work to rest is far higher. The reason short interval training was used as opposed to long interval training was to do with specificity. Firstly the lengths of the runs had to be shorter than the field. This is because it is very rare for a touch football player to run the full length of a touch football field. The cool down component of a training session plays a crucial role in injury prevention and the recovery phase of an athlete after physical activity. The cool down outlined in the training session involves a short jog immediately after the sessionââ¬â¢s completion. This jog should gradually decrease to a walk after 75m. The reason for this light jog is to ensure oxygen remains available to the muscles after exercise and also ensure the blood flow remains dynamic; disallowing blood pooling in large muscle groups. Static stretching consists of holding a stretch in a fixed position. Hudson (2001) states ââ¬Å"that the use of static stretches is more appropriate for the cool downâ⬠. Static stretching is used in cool downs for lengthening the muscles, improving blood flow to the muscle, and because of the increased blood flow an increase in oxygen to the muscles. Static stretching can be relevant to any sport however it depends on the muscle groups being stretched. After this training session the lower body should be stretched. Calf Muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, and other smaller muscle groups around the lower body should all be stretched. The stretching routine must always be relevant to touch however to maximise specificity of the session. In conclusion this training programme follows the ideal training session outline listed in the Fitness for touch report for each aspect of the training session. The warm up, conditionings phases, and cool down all have aspects in them which allow a player to enhance their performance. There are a few limitations in terms of the drills. Touch football is a sport which requires all three energy systems as stated in the introduction. This made it extremely hard to specify an activity to only one fitness component and at the same time keep it specific to touch. The activities had to be adjusted to suit and intensities and rest times decreased to ensure the aerobic system was being used. The information gathered was gathered from reliable sources.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
9 consejos a turistas para comprar vivienda en EEUU
9 consejos a turistas para comprar vivienda en EEUU Si est pensando enà comprar una vivienda en Estados Unidos pero le preocupa porque tiene estatus de turista, bien porque ha ingresado con una visa de esa categorà a o bien sin visa, por ser ciudadano de un paà s incluido en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados,à tiene que saber que no sà ³lo es posible sino que es relativamente fcil.à à En este artà culo se resuelven las dudas ms frecuentes,à desde tipo de propiedad a cà ³mo financiar la compra y cà ³mo entender correctamente las opciones migratorias reales para obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente en Estados Unidos por inversià ³n en un bien raà z. 1.-à ¿Quà © tipo de inmueblesà se pueden comprar en EE.UU.à con estatus de turista? Casas, fincas rà ºsticas y condominios, conocidos estos à ºltimos popularmente como condos. En cuando a losà apartamentos en rà ©gimen deà co-ops, es ms complicado adquirirlos, a menos que se trate de cooperativas que se administran siguiendo reglas de los condos. La razà ³n del problema radica enà que para comprar un co-op es necesario, como regla general, tener los ingresos y la mayorà a del patrimonio en Estados Unidos, requisito que no se da en la mayorà a de los casos de turistas extranjeros temporalmente en el paà s. 2.-à ¿Se necesita tener todo el dinero en efectivo o asegurar financiacià ³n en el paà s de origen? No, ni lo uno ni lo otro. Los bancos de Estados Unidos pueden financiar siempre y cuando se adelante un porcentaje importante en concepto de pago inicial, conocido en inglà ©s comoà down payment. El porcentaje puede variar de banco a banco y, tambià ©n, de estado a estado. Por ejemplo, en la ciudad de Nueva York puede ser necesario abonar el 30 por ciento, en Miami el 50 y en zonas de Texas entre el 25 y el 30 por ciento pero estas cantidades pueden variar segà ºn las circunstancias de cada caso. Adems, los bancos que financian suelen exigir garantà as adicionales como un depà ³sito suficiente para cubrir todos los pagos de la hipoteca de un aà ±o, ms seguros y gastos del inmueble. Tambià ©n se debe tener en cuenta que dentro de Estados Unidos hay una gran diferencia entre estados en lo que se paga como impuesto a las ventas de bienes y serviciosà e incluso condados y municipalidades. Este es un dato importante ya que puede suponer un importante gasto con el que no se contaba. 3.-à ¿Cul es la mejor forma de encontrar una vivienda para comprar? Contratando a un agente inmobiliario, conocido en inglà ©s como broker. La gran ventaja para el comprador es que no va a pagarle por sus servicios ya que la comisià ³n corre de cuenta del vendedor. Si à ©ste cuenta con su propio broker, en el momento de la venta los dos agentes se dividirn entre ellos las ganancias por sus servicios de intermediario. Adems, si necesitas financiacià ³n el broker puede ponerte en contacto con el banco con el que habitualmente trabajan. 4.-à ¿Cunto tiempo puede demorarse la tramitacià ³n de la compra? Una vez que has encontrado el inmueble que deseas comprar, la tramitacià ³n del cierre de la operacià ³n puede hacerse en tan poco como 30 dà as. No es necesario estar presente en Estados Unidos durante toda la tramitacià ³n, ya que puedes otorgar un poder notarial, conocido en inglà ©s comoà power of attorney,à a un representante. 5.-à ¿Puedeà girarse todo el dinero que quiera a EEE.UU. para comprar bienes raà ces? Desde el punto de vista de USA, sà . Si bien las autoridades estudian la procedencia y legalidad del dinero. Adems, debe cumplirse con todas las obligaciones impuestas por el paà s de origen del compradorà para transferencias internacionales de dinero y pago de impuestos. 6.-à ¿Hay que pagar impuestos por la propiedad que se compra en Estados Unidos? Si seà vende y se gana con la operacià ³n, hay que pagar el impuesto correspondiente. En cuanto al porcentaje va a depender del tipo de acuerdo fiscal entre el paà s del comprador y Estados Unidos, si es que hayà alguno firmado. Tambià ©n es posible no pagar si con la venta se financia la compra de una nueva propiedad. Por el contrario, si la vivienda se dedica a alquiler, es necesarioà declarar impuestos anualmente en la forma de income tax en EE.UU. Para ello, si no se tiene un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social emitido por las autoridades de Estados Unidos, debe sacarse un nà ºmero fiscal que se conoce comoà un ITIN. Es conveniente informarse con un fiscalista porque si se est pagando hipoteca es posible que no exista la obligacià ³n de pagarà durante al menos los diez primeros aà ±os siguientes a la compra. En todo caso, aunque no existiera la obligacià ³n de pagar, sà que hay la de hacer la declaracià ³n de impuestos y presentarla anualmente el 15 de abril o antes. 7.-à ¿Por quà © es recomendable crear una sociedad que figure como propietaria del inmueble? Para evitar pagar impuesto de sucesià ³n cuando fallece el propietario de la vivienda, que puede ser muy alto. Pero si el propietario es una LLC, es decir, unaà sociedad limitada,à de la que se es accionista junto con una Corporacià ³n Extranjera, en inglà ©s conocida comoà Foreign Corporation, entonces despuà ©s del fallecimiento del propietario los herederos no tienen que pagar nada por recibir ese inmueble. Es muy conveniente tratar este asunto con un abogado especialista en este tipo de asuntos. 8.-à ¿Puede obtenerse laà tarjeta de residencia por comprar una propiedad en EE.UU.? No, la compra de un inmueble, aunque sea muy caro, no est contemplado en la actualidad como uno de los caminos para obtener la residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card o tarjeta verde.à Sin embargo, sà que es posible sacar la green card con una inversià ³n a travà ©s del programa EB-5, pero implica muchas ms cosas y no una simple compra de uno o varios inmuebles, por muy caros que estos sean. Tampoco sirve una mera inversià ³n inmobiliariaà como base para poder solicitar con à ©xito la visa E-2 de inversià ³n. Sin embargo, si se convierte en negocio a dicha inversià ³n, entonces podrà a servir. En todo caso, los turistas que son propietarios de una vivienda en Estados Unidosà no pueden trabajar ni permanecer continuamente en Estados Unidos y deben respetar su condicià ³n migratoria para evitar una cancelacià ³n de la visa. Por ejemplo, no se puede ser una carga pà ºblica. Eso quiere decir, entre otras cosas, que hay que pagar las facturas mà ©dicas yà no enviar a los hijos con una visa de turista a estudiar a una escuela de primaria o secundaria pà ºblica. Si desean estudiar, deben obtener una visa F-1 de estudiante. Estar en Estados Unidos con la visa incorrecta puede dar lugar a la revocacià ³n de la que se tiene e, incluso, a la cancelacià ³n de la visa de los padres que consienten una violacià ³n migratoria. 9.-Origen de los extranjeros que compran propiedades en Estados Unidos En un sà ³lo aà ±o, los turistas extranjeros invirtieron $82,5 billones (mil millones) en propiedades en Estados Unidos, comprando, principalmente,à à en los estados de Florida, California, Nueva York, Texas y Arizona. Los extranjeros que efectuaronà ms compras fueron los canadienses, que prefieren comprar en Arizona y Texas, seguidos de los chinos, si bien los rusos son los que hacen las compras ms caras. Argentinos, colombianos, venezolanos y brasileà ±os destacan tambià ©n entre los grandes compradores, siendo Florida el estado donde ms invierten. Consejos para disfrutar Estados Unidos como turista Estados Unidos es el segundo paà s del mundo que recibe ms turistas, sà ³lo sobrepasado por Francia. Sin embargo, es el paà s donde los turistas gastan ms dinero en compras. Para los turistas que disfrutan comprando ropa y accesorios de marca,à las sample sales para comprar a precios rebajadosà en Nueva York son un destino a tener en cuenta. Por el contrario, para los que quieren disfrutar de las grandes atracciones de Estados Unidos, estas son las 10 ms visitadas. De interà ©s migratorio para todos los turistas Estasà 20 causas que pueden dar lugar a que la visa no se apruebe o no se renueveà e, incluso, a que al llegar al control migratorio sirven de base para que el oficial de Inmigracià ³n niegue el ingreso del turista extranjero a los Estados Unidos. Desde el punto de vista migratorio, el principal consejo es evitar problemas. Para ello se recomienda tomar esteà test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Frecuentemente, losà grandes problemas migratorios y en el paso de aduanas tienen su origen en ignorancias pequeà ±as. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Does John Stuart Mill succeed in reconciling the concept of justice Essay
Does John Stuart Mill succeed in reconciling the concept of justice with utilitarianism - Essay Example Justice that is balanced essentially relies on the properties and forms of freedom. Such properties are the associated ââ¬Å"naturesâ⬠of the theory of liberty, the driving forces, the spheres of influence, the limitations and the causes that make one either to give value to freedom or to find it objectionable. Dependence and independence reflect two different acts of any human being. However protective measures are required for existence of too much of independence such that a solution to ââ¬Å"a condition for justiceâ⬠may be obtained. The provision for human resources reflects two different principles; one that is ââ¬Å"process-freedomâ⬠and explains the freedom of benefiting from oneââ¬â¢s activities requiring ââ¬Å"self ownershipâ⬠, while the other principle presents the case of ââ¬Å"shared equallyâ⬠the benefits obtained. According to the modern theories of justice, utilitarianism as well as some other solutions, provided by Gauthier and Nash, necessitates the perception of a ââ¬Å"cardinal utilityâ⬠such that differences in the levels of utilities may be explained or compared. Justice has been known to be a virtue that assists the feeble against attacks from the stronger society of people. Initiation of states, laws and religions were particularly for the purpose of establishing justice in a society. Justice intends to aid the weaker section of people by protecting them and helps to strengthen those who are strong. Justice can be described as an accomplishment that is ââ¬Å"in accordance with the lawsâ⬠. It aims to benefit both the weaker and the stronger sections of people in a society by means of ââ¬Å"just lawsâ⬠with which the strong may rule (Barr & Club, 1932, pp.19-20). Justice is considered as reverential when ââ¬Å"it values a justiciableââ¬â¢s situation because the justiciable values itâ⬠(Kolm, 2002, p.31). The ethical evaluation of justice and its judgment depends on a set of variables that include social and ethical values for justice (Kolm, 2002, pp.31-32). Study on Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism has been conventionally u nderstood as ââ¬Å"most good should be doneâ⬠. Although this view is in support of few philosophers like John Stuart Mill, there are several other opinions that charges to state that this principle is not attuned with what justice or fairness demands in distributing benefits to all sections of people in a society. Laws that necessitate impartiality in profits distribution ââ¬Å"are best in the long runâ⬠and thus should be thought of without initiating maximization of benefits in certain circumstances for particular sections
Friday, November 1, 2019
Elderly Abuse and Neglect in the United States Essay
Elderly Abuse and Neglect in the United States - Essay Example At another context, it involves taking or misusing an elderly persons money or property (Lindberg, 2008). It should be noted that it is not only what is done, but also the failure to do what should be done that can count as elderly abuse; consider situations where the elder is neglected, unfed, and untreated for sickness. This happens in reality, whether done purposefully by the caretaker or merely due to neglect. Actions against the older person such as over- or under-medicating, depriving the elder of food and water, or exposing the elderly to severe weather are all considered as elder abuse, whether intentional or unintentional (Keita, 2007). Elder abuse can happen in hospitals or nursing homes. Take for example the case of Jennifer Matthew Nursing Home in Rochester, New York. An investigation was started at the nursing facility due to suspicions of elderly abuse. Family members agreed that cameras be put in relativeââ¬â¢s bedrooms and the living facilities in order to prove negligent care on the part of the nursing facility. The captured videos showed residents left in their own waste for hours, unmoved in their beds for days, in overheated rooms, and left without a call button to ask for help or assistance (ABC News, 2006). The conditions are outright sickening, much more so to think that the nursing staff was just seen watching movies, sleeping and even leaving the facility. It does not reflect well of how elders should be treated, which should be with care, kindness, and attention as they have once cared for us and have been there to watch over us and help us grow. On January 20th 2006, after much controversy, the nursing home was finally closed due to grave cases of neglect. This is not the only case of elderly abuse. Sadly, there are many similar cases of elder abuse across the country. A study conducted by the minority staff of the Special Investigations Division of the House Government Reform Committee
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